Sunday, May 25, 2008
Quite long nv blog alr xD lol nth much to blog about, and i was pretty tired these few days.. today went to clarke quay for the event as a helper! Group with zhi guo, minghui and surya.. lol it was pretty slack.. at first it was boring.. then we went to buy poker cards and starting playin at one of the underground pass which is our station.. lol..
then i was the runner.. supposed to give some score sheet back to the starting point every half hr.. but i went back every hr.. lol and didnt have to run.. just walk.. so overall it was quite slack =D
After finishing ard 12 plus then we went back to have our free brunch. lol.. some nasi lemak thingy.. then took train back wif eileen.. rained just when i reachin hm.. got caught in the rain >_> came hm ard 2 plus.. slept till 6 plus xD
going to slp soon.. tml meetin honey for breakfast =D canot be late! lol nights and bye :D
SLAMit.DUNKit 10:57 PM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Was nagged by claire ng today for wearing short pants into the lab.. >_> lol.. wearing long pants for her practical abit.. -.- not like we're gettin in contact with dangerous chemicals or what.. anyway she say she'll be more strict so we'll surely have to wear long pants for every practical... The cause of all this is brian... D: he caused us to get caught indirectly.. lazy to elaborate but anyway brian, watch out ^_^
Went for poly50 again, lesser pple came today.. so the training was more slack.. and today training was on few differents parts of our body... so was not as tiring as last time.. anyway the rear muscles of my thigh was injured durin last week trainin i think.. felt more painful when i run today.. and got worse.. gonna have to apply some medication.. but think it's not very serious ba =)
Tml first lesson is char development, i don't wana be late! cause i wana play games xD hahaha =/ hope tml got fun games to play.. and also i'll be playin bball after sch tml wif some CLS seniors.. and also have to stay back to finish up a group report on CPPA practical..
Gonna go sleep soon, dont wana be late for games.. =/ not very tired today, just feel very hot -.- i know my recent posts are very wordy wif no pics.. lazy to upload any =/ shall try to take some interesting ones.. haha nights and bye (:
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:10 PM
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ytd went for poly50 thingy after my make up practical.. waited for xavier aka bball captain because i was dismissed earlier at 4.. but he had lesson till 5.. =/ then i went to play bball awhile.. met him at the club then went bball again, wif him n others lol.. because he said they always dragged the poly50 even though it was supposed to start at 6.. lol.
It's alot more tiring then i tot eh.. lol.. during the first part ran until whole lower body ache lor.. =x even my butt also pain >_> lol.. because sitting down after sprinting will cause butt pain.. =/ didnt noe that b4 they told me ><>_> lol.. Now at home so boring.. nth to do.. sweetheart busy with her proj or smth.. =/ so i gonna go self training for bball nw.. bye! :D
SLAMit.DUNKit 4:27 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Today was super angry with that doc ng D: didnt let me do the practical because i nv wear long pants, have to make up tml for 3 hrs leh, dam knn rite! with other class somemore.. totally bullshit laaaaaaaaa. ahhh forget it =.= feel like slapping her face la!
Went to play bball ytd with the CLS bball seniors and other year one student like me.. it was supposed to be a trial.. but the floor was wet after the rain n most went home alr.. so we just played some matches.. was pretty fun.. but was abit unpleasant as well.. lol.. some played till quite rough..
BUT the most important thing is the captain wants me in the team xD muahahaha so happy =/ lol even though today that DOC NG spoilt my mood. -.- anyway gave my contacts to the captain of the CLS club de bball.. =D and i'm officially in! :D
Tml have to meet the captain for something and also he wants me to go for a physical training on every fri i think.. running exercise.. think it's called poly50? lol.. guess it's kinda good training.. so i'll go after my fucked up practical lol.
Ok, gtg sleep le! Sweetheart want me to sleep early! cause i'm always tired xD lol nights! :D
I'll not let go of you (:
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:10 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Having boring de maths lessons.. >_> haha so i'm here to blog.. =/ hehe.. though it's not right to use lappy now.. went bbaling on last fri n sat =D also went gym on last friday.. played bball wif my classmates$.. lol.. was fun.. haha just that nid to explain some rules :X hehe..
Anyway.. today then I know that one of our classmates is leaving us le.. =( it's Jingying.. she decided to quit DCP course and then retake some of her subjects.. because she wanted to get into her dream course, business related course..
Even though it's just been one month.. but i guess all of us are sad to see her go.. she's such a friendly and cheerful girl.. =/
Jingying, We all will miss u de! :D and also wish you good luck for whatever you're doing (:
Ok, blog next time.. gonna go pay attention to maths.. try to pay attention i mean :x hehe bye!
SLAMit.DUNKit 12:42 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Ytd Char development lesson was fun! : D
hahaha i think it's the best module.. because we get to play games every lesson, like so good eh.. though it would be better if we got PE for our modules
lol. Anyway played this game called..
erm i
duno what's it called =/ but it's fun.. got 4 roles, normal people, doctor, spy n mafia.
The people will get lesser n lesser.. then we have to suspect who's the three mafia..
lol.. good people can get killed too.. like me!
kena sabotaged by
liting and others agreed with her that
i'm a bad guy when
i'm not =/
lol but overall it's a fun game
lor =) the amusing part is that all of us knew baoren would get killed first xD
Went for maths makeup lesson also.. lol.. People finish tutorial 4 le i still doing tutorial 2 -.- lol.. but i know is i slack only xD hahaha anyway managed to finish some qns.. =x then after that took train back to jurong with eileen and i went to look for sweetheart at imm n went home :D
As for today.. nothing much ba, just stayed back and waited for sweetheart.. was late for 1 hour for my first lesson lol :x practical was pretty fun, learnt some new stuffs as well.. and brian still type at a slow rate =P hahaha xD brian, we shall let u be the typer when u can type fast :/ lol.
Cute pie? lol =/
Liting =P
*Working in process*
Done! adidas logo? lol =D
That's it, nights and bye! xD
SLAMit.DUNKit 11:10 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Looks like bloggin frequently is hard for me lol.. =/ went for skateboarding last friday.. zhiguo didnt go.. pang seh me.. lol.. went to the basketball court for the thingy.. then i think i was more interested in watching pple play bball then the skating.. =/ lol anyway went hm ard 8 plus and took train back to jurong with eileen while i went to fetch sweetheart after her piano lesson.. =) then went home le..
Didnt do anything much for the weekend, just spent my day playing com.. lol.. Today is the first day that i'm not late =D haha just on time though.. but better than always late xD and this week is the 4th week.. which mean tests coming soon.. lol i dont really understand most of the modules.. seriously need to buck up.. =/
There's a 3v3 bball competition in SP, think on 17th may.. gonna join wif stanley n surya i guess? haha impossible to win.. just gonna.. play for fun =D hehe and i think i didnt play bball for like 1 week plus alr.. which is very long lol.. Planned to go bball alone just nw.. but surya they all suddenly asked me to dota.. lol.. so i didnt went bballing.. had a long time connecting.. in the end we didnt play.. cause most had to go do their own things.. lol.. I could have gone bballing! =/ haha think i'll go tml after school instead..
That's it! will blog when i have the mood =D bye!
SLAMit.DUNKit 6:25 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
My blog is rotting! lol =/ i shall try to blog more.. =x haha anyway i joined the skate club :D haven tot of my 2nd cca.. hope it'll be minghui's club :P lol He need to prepare a proposal for one of the director duno in charge of what =x and justify why the club should be created lol.. good luck to him! xD
Having sore throat for past few days D: lol but today finally feel better, nt so pain alr =D if not even swallow saliva also feel damn pain =x school is gettin more fun i guess =) but also getting harder >_> lol ytd finally went to have my lappy fixed, wasted my 1st hour there because i couldnt reinstall the xp prog by disc.. -.- then have to reinstall again using other methods.. took another 1 hr+ only since i didnt wan to install vista.. lol
Brian drew it on zhiguo while he was slping lol.
Guess who's this?
ok need to rush for bball now! fu's waiting for me =/ lol bye! =D
SLAMit.DUNKit 4:27 PM